Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A heart like His

So today marks day 2 of my Facebook fast. I announced it would only be a 2-day fast, but I'm feeling like God may be calling me to make it longer. Ugh! There are many changes happening in my life, my heart, and (as always, it seems) my ministry at church. Today seemed like a good day to start this study on David that's been lying around my house, taunting me, ever since I enthusiastically picked it up at a Beth Moore women's conference a few months back. There's something you have to know about me. David is my absolute, hands-down FAVORITE person in history.

*Allow me to make a little disclaimer here:

I know the proper "Christian" response to the question, "who's your favorite character in the Bible?" is supposed to be "Jesus!" However, my loophole here is that Jesus is not a "historical" character, because He has no beginning and no end, and is, in fact, very much alive. Therefore He does not fall into the same category.

Back to David. He and I are kindred spirits. I "get" him. Even as a young child, I was always drawn to the life of David. It's only now, that I understand why. Now, as an adult, he offers me hope and encouragement. The intro to this study says it best.

Beth Moore writes:

"Maybe it was the fact that David was his father's last choice. Maybe it was his uncanny way with a harp...and a slingshot. Maybe it was his unwillingness to kill a madman because he feared God even more. Or surely it was his ability to dance down the streets of Jerusalem. Then again, perhaps it was his shocking humanity and the resulting suggestion that we cannot out-sin God's ability to forgive.
....His story gives me hope and terrifies me into fresh reverence. I see so many things in him I wish I had-and so many others I'm scared to death I do have."

That's it. That's why I love David. My story is not over yet, so hang on tight as I begin this 90-day journey through the life of David, to develop a heart like his....or more importantly, a heart like "His."

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